Answers to My 3 Day Novel Experience

This has rather turned into an unofficial little blog series regarding the 3 Day Novel, but several folks on social media and my DMs have asked me about the overall 3 Day novel writing process and what I thought of the manuscript that sprang from those 72 adrenaline infused hours. I gave my initial thoughts back after I finished (within less than an hour of finishing for some friends who wanted to check in on Read more…

I Am Grateful for My Friend’s Boldness and Tenacity

One of the best parts of the Internet has been meeting people who become dear friends and part of one’s chosen family (a true nyali, if you will). And then there are those who are even a little bit closer because you talk every single day. Today I was talking to one of those friends, and, while I am truly grateful for our friendship and for this sort of friendship, I want to focus more Read more…

“Feast of the Mother”: a Mythic Delight and New Release You Must Read

As a general rule, unless I have explicit permission from the authors, I do not discuss books I am alpha or beta reading for. And sometimes that is rather sad because the stories have so much wonderfulness to them and the authors ultimately decide that they are not yet ready to release them, which means I must sit on sharing about the stories for awhile longer. But that is not what has happened today. Or Read more…

I Am Grateful for Captivating Stories and the Artists Who Create Them

Over the years I have been blessed to read and enjoy numerous wonderful stories in different forms. Bad stories affect me rather negatively if I get into an analysis spiral or see how much potential was wasted, but good stories…wow…they give me such a surge of energy and excitement. Especially when the characters are compelling and connect to me on a more personal level. So for today I am especially grateful for all those people Read more…

What To Do When Your Story Is Plagiarized

Copyright may be yours from the moment you write a story, but that won’t keep some people from trying to steal it and pass it off as their own. While professional authors used to dismiss one’s risk of another’s work as being stolen as being the mark of a paranoid and delusional writer, theft of an authors’ works in many arenas is becoming increasingly common. At this point in my career, I’ve dealt with multiple Read more…

A Tale of Four Thefts

Jeff Goins’s book, Real Artists Don’t Starve, was quite an enjoyable read. The information in it is not new or groundbreaking in most respects, but it is excellent for artists of all types. And frankly, sometimes we need to hear the same things over and over before we are able to truly absorb and act on them. (To be clear, this does not mean that those who spoke the message to us earlier were failures. Read more…

Bold Kindness and Gentle Words

It all started with my mother. It is her habit to speak kindly and gently to everyone, even though she is excruciatingly shy. Talking to strangers used to send her into panics though now she manages it better. But that terror, despite it being a powerful force, has never stopped her from being compassionate. The other thing it has not stopped her from doing is sharing encouragement with people. Sometimes it is with handwritten notes. Read more…

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